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Frequently Asked Questions
How do I decide the MRP or retail price for my book?
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When you reach the price-setting page on the writing platform, depending on the page count, you will get a system-generated Minimum price. Keeping in mind the suggestion, you can set the selling price accordingly and check the royalty calculator to understand your earnings on each copy sold.

How do I track the sales and royalty of my book?
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You will receive a monthly sales report at your registered e-mail address. Please note that in case your eBook was sold on Pencil’s Reader App, the sales will reflect in the next month. In the case of sales of your book in eBook and Paperback format across Third-party Domestic and International retailers, the sales will reflect within 30-60 days from the month of sale.

When will I receive my royalty earnings?
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In the case of eBook sales on Pencil Reader App, the royalty will be credited within 30 days from the month of sale. In the case of sales of your book in eBook and Paperback format across Third-party Domestic and International retailers, the royalty received from these platforms will be credited within 90 days from the month of sale.

What is royalty?
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Royalty is the amount paid to an author for each copy of a book sold. For every copy that a reader buys on the Pencil reader app, you will receive 70% of the sales price i.e. the amount the customer paid the retailer. For every other platform, your royalty would be 50% of the net receipts.

How do I track Royalty?
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Your sales and royalty report is available on your main dashboard on the Pencil Publishing Platform.

How does the net receipt get calculated?
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Net Receipt is the amount we receive from retailers and / or distributors for the sales of your book.

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